My mobile notes taking workflow

When I stumbled upon Drafts, by Agile Tortoise, I dediced to use it as my mobile note taking app. My choise was dictated by three main reasons:

  • it’s among the fastest writing app on iOS, ready to write as soon as you start it
  • it support textExpander
  • it can save the entries to dropbox

Integrate it in the overall workflow

The only problem was to integrate it within my workflow. On the mac I am an nvAlt user and I’m also using a strict naming convention for my files. More or less all my notes files names look like this 20120628-193211-NT-0-tag, where the third element NT is the type of the file, in this case a note. Unfortunately drafts did not allow me to specify the file name and it can only save the file on the sandboxed /Apps/Drafts folder inside dropbox.

Hazel comes to rescue

I did fixed that with the help of TextExpander, Hazel and a little bit of appleScript.

The file name problem is solved using the first paragraph of the note to write it down, the date is included thanks to TextExpander.

Then on the mac i do have an hazel rule that watch the file content for the notes related tokens, run an appleScipt on it and finally move the files to my main notes folder.

Here is the script. I think it can be done better, but I’ve just started learning appleScript.

-- This script is meant to be executed from Hazel
          -- it will change the file name to the first paragraph 
          -- set the extension to .md
          -- and delete the filename from the file content
          -- by Federico Weber |
          on hazelProcessFile(theFile)
              -- get the file name
              set content to read theFile
              set newFileName to first paragraph of content
              -- rename the file
              tell application "Finder"
                  set name of theFile to newFileName & ".md"
              end tell
              -- delete the name of the file from the content 
              set newContent to get replaceText(newFileName, "", content)
              set openFile to open for access theFile with write permission
              set eof of openFile to 0
              write newContent to openFile starting at eof as text
              close access openFile
              return true
          end hazelProcessFile
          -- replaceText method by Buce Phillis 
          on replaceText(find, replace, subject)
              set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
              set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
              set subject to text items of subject
              set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
              set subject to "" & subject
              set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
              return subject
          end replaceText